Love Speaks all Languages

Anyone listening soon  hears the twang of English and the birds chirping.

Everywhere we go it is the same type of chit-chat.

Frenchhusband speaks in English to me though he parler French to the children. The children parler French to him. I speak English to the children and they speak English to me. Can you imagine the go around?

…and every now and then the chatter collides becoming Franglais!

*Parler the French verb to speak.


22 responses to “Love Speaks all Languages”

  1. gee, I sure hope he didn’t read my attempt at french awhile back 🙂

  2. tee-hee I think thta’s how we all do it here. Isn’t it funny how it works.

  3. I was curious to know how you all communicated with one another. What a whirlwind of language!

  4. That sounds a lot like the chatter going on chez nous. It’s music to my ears.

  5. Bein Sur (e) I truly can!
    and it is so wunderbarful.
    xox susan

  6. I’ve just found your blog (linking from yarnstorm) – It’s beautiful! I feel like I’ve just had a wee vacation to France. I’ll be back.

  7. It was like that in our house. Husband is Italian and I am Australian. He speaks to me in Italian. I speak to him in english and italian. The children speak to him in english and sometimes italian and he speaks to them in italian and sometimes english. Anyone from outside our family are amused at the constant swapping from one language to the other. When the children were born I only ever spoke to them in Italian until they went to school at five years old. I wanted them to be bi-lingual. 🙂

  8. How fun to live in your house!

  9. …. and what do you speak to
    the french husband ?

  10. that would be fun to listen in on 🙂

  11. communication, isn’t it a wonderful thing in any language!!!!!robin

  12. It is like your home is its own couuntry, with its own traditions, culture, and language! Hey that makes you a queen!!

  13. First, Do you Watercolor too??? Venetian dreaming certainly…
    Language, the spells that bind us together. I still stumble on the english language, not learning it until I was six. Yet, it is what makes us so unique and worldly… I wish I had tried harder to teach Danish to my daughter, you are living out my dream…

  14. That sounds delightful! The only other language my children speak is Whine.

  15. Sometimes, I’m sure no one has to say anything at all to feel the love.

  16. I love it! I can’t wait til I have Turkish children of my own that do the same thing with me and Grigore!
    So cute, I love this painting, too. Blue is such a calming color.

  17. Your children are blessed to know both languages.
    I’d love to be a “fly on the wall” and listen in.

  18. I think it is great that your family is bi-lingual. What better way to learn than through family. ;o)

  19. I was brought up in a bi-lingual household and my son has been too ~ It’s lovely to listen too, the two languages mixed in together.
    Corey ~ I just have to say that visiting you is like a part of me comes home. It seems to touch me somewhere deep within, and stirs emotions somehow.
    Thank You so much!

  20. your post reminds me of being a child and falling asleep to the sounds of my parents and aunts and uncles talking and how reassuring those sounds were all jumbled together.

  21. I found your website by accident and I really love your paintings…They are beautiful and poetic…

  22. love your blog…your French-English family brought back beautiful memories….

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