Frozen French Fleamarket

Very early this morning I stepped out to our village’s bi-annual *brocante fair. As soon as the *mistral slapped my face I knew it was going to be a game only for the fittest. With my scarf wrapped around my head, and down jacket zipped up to my nose, the cold tainted me, "Go back to your warm bed!!" Did I listen? Heck no!

To the dealers a quick bonjour on my frozen lips, my eyes scanned the narrow streets for treasures to take home and a possible good find for the many of *you I have come to know.

There amongst the cobblestones I found tattered lace, rusty keys, still frame images, santons, and enough what-nots for you and you and you!!

After several hours of bitter cold enough to turn me into a purple frozen Popsicle, I came home beaming with sunshine!

*Brocante= French world for upscale flea market

*Mistral= Bitter cod wind that freezes every living thing in the south of France.

*you= attached links and commenter, friends and family! Can you image the chatter in my head! Oh look there Holly, do you see that Mom, Shelley LOOK jade glass and flo blue! Of what you could do with that Nina, I can see the necklaces of nature already! Pam are you loving it! Nicole stop making a face I am trying to focus here! That would look so good in your living room Orama darling! Robyn is it just too much to absorb, I knew you would love it!! Ah a purple felt flower for Green Frog! Lauren and Ulla, I got here first, share it!! Beetle grass, Megan check out those buttons! Carol this isn’t the cow pie fair but it is second best! Dawn you can do it, you could whip a wonder with this! Angela! Diana! Mikaekah if we keep telling stories we are going to miss out on the deals, come on!! Patti isn’t this beautiful! Robin, Josephine, Andrea let’s take a tea! Ah la vie est rose! Kerry you already have the pineapple lamp, you do not need two more!! Paola are you sure vintage wouldn’t sale? Susan and Cadimum red do you like old paints? Lee I am not bored to enjoy this ๐Ÿ˜‰ ! Black bird! Jenny there the keys! Brother Mathew don’t you think this would look good in your house! Francobollo it isn’t an Italian stamp is that okay? Maditi does this fit in the casa? Turkey feathers Vicki, what do you think about that piece there good enough for the trade? Bluesmania glass for your collection! Juju what you could do with this string of beaded lace!Kali vintage vintage vintage! Kristi we can share these 18th century books okay?! D, Miss Chris and Tracy come on my home town fair is better then yours! Julie can Doug fix this or not?  Brandelion what do you think is it arty enough? Where is Connie a vintage dog collar isn’t it cute! Oh Maureen there you are peeking around the corner!!…And there you go Alison a vintage box full of sweet things….and on and on and on it went!

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23 responses to “Frozen French Fleamarket”

  1. A life without friends is a life not worth living… Thank you dear Corey!

  2. I gazed at your photo for quite awhile ..
    you so captured the feel of the narrow street lined with old buildings… had to laugh when I read about you being so cold
    but heck no that didnt stop you… it is
    93 DEGREES here today ! But for a moment I was walking thru the streets with you on my way to the market… and I felt the chill…

  3. corey…thanks for letting me tag along to the fleamarket with you…what fun………….

  4. Yes! Corey, I totally understand seeing people when you spy things. Thanks for bringing Lauren and Ullabenulla’s blogs to my attention! More beauty and art to savour.

  5. Oh my this sounds like a wonderful time. I can picture myself running down the street just too anxious to get to see all the wares.

  6. oh! I do want rusty french keys and little bit of stained lace –
    and if you happen upon some old school books…

  7. So now, when hubby asks “what did you DO all day today?”, I can reply “I was in France at the Brocante with Corey, and oh, what an adventure it was!”
    hugs to you my friend,

  8. Oh, that was so much FUN!!!

  9. robinfox pamperedinparis

    corey spring has sprung in your little village. my sisters and i were in St. Emmilion (sp)??? this summer, and this looked very much like that to me.
    Stay Well

  10. but isn’t it just wonderful, Corey, that we have all met through the internet and you had us all in your heart! I love being in your heart, but oh how I wish I were there in person – what fun!

  11. Thankyou for such an inspired and inspiring site. Uplifting!

  12. Oh thanks for the invitation…that was a lot of fun! I wasn’t cold at all.

  13. Oh Corey…now you will be in trouble for not mentioning EVERYBODYS name…lol…Hugssss

  14. Oh my I can only dream about the wonderful treasures you have found Corey, so worth all the freezing on a sunday morning! How cute that you thought about all your blogging friends while treasure hunting and I feel very honored to be one of them and to be mentioned in your link list too ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks and Hugs xox

  15. oh my oh my! book my flight, i am on my way dear. thank you for some monday morning inspiration! lovely… just lovely!

  16. Corey – I love it! Brocantes are so fun to go to. And your photo is a total dream. I have this same photo in my head and have only really found an opportunity once to take such a great photo. Thanks for making me smile. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Ahhhh … that’s why I felt so tired yesterday … I’d been to the markets with dear Corey! Thank you for for loaning me your head and your heart.

  18. Yes, doug can fix anything.I hope we come again and he can do all your honey dos

  19. your flea-market-adventuring-head-chatter makes me feel i’m there with you. Now … how to get all that stuff back home with me to Montana. . ..

  20. Oh, the visions…thanks for taking us there! What joy you bring.

  21. Oh Corey! When I saw that photo my heart swooned! Such beauty! I long to stand right there, where you took that photo…and yet I did, with you! Thank you so much for taking me along. How I love your world and your willingness to share it. xox

  22. Friends are what make life beautiful. Thank you, Corey.

  23. Beautiful.

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