The Source of Life

I long to be aware of the moment before waking. To know it each morning–Before one world ends and another begins. Awareness of the transition, sleeping to awakening and awakening to sleeping.

For each moment is a deep reality.

ROME: Amazed at what I was seeing, I walked into the intersection. On each corner there was a fountain. I quickly glanced around, each depicting what? a season? the stages of life? passages of time? The cars were honking, blarring for me to MOVE! My feet were planted, lost in time, wanting to understand what was surronding me on the four corners. I could hear people shouting…quickly I took out my camera, spun around to take one shot of each of fountain. Blew a kiss for forgiveness, and thanks, and ran back to the sidewalk.


11 responses to “The Source of Life”

  1. You stood in the middle of an intersection in Rome and survived?? You are a brave woman, a tad foolhardy perhaps, but mighty brave!

  2. don’t you just wish that the world was slower, so that we could all savour moments like yours without being honked at or rushed or pushed. The world has gone crazy, everyone is in a rush and to go where?

  3. Oh that sounds so dangerous with all the cars! But your photo of the fountains corner is very beautiful Corey!
    Yes I find Robyn is right it would be so much better to live in a slower world to be able to savour those moments *sigh*

  4. You’re lucky to be alive! I hope you got some good pictures.

  5. A beautiful notion – to be aware of the moment between awake and asleep. Such a thin line, yet the two states of consciousness are galaxies apart.
    What fascinates me most is how the brain reconciles events of the day during REM. You know, how you go to sleep, and wake up with the solution to a problem? Such a miracle, such a mystery.

  6. That’s a really nice shot for being rushed. =o)

  7. So quickly you swept me away with your writing. Brilliant! I am new to your blog and utterly and completely in love.
    Thank you!

  8. robinfox pampered in paris

    corey i also loved rome and the people, the travel is so easy ple are so nice and the grand hotel!,but what i loved the most was knowing that ancient romans probably stood in the same spots as i visited .i am a fan of history and mark anthony .just some thoughts going back in october 2006 w/friends and mom and sisters to tuscany and rada need more balsamic vin.happiest of days to you sorry to rattle on

  9. for the past several mornings i have been awakened by sunlight and the sound of birds twittering…a sure sign that spring is on its way.

  10. Oh you beautiful thing Corey … always bringing a quiet smile to my day!
    (Love Italy too).

  11. I met a man several years ago that talked about these moments that are between things. He was painting next to me … his work was brightly colored bees and I was doing the dragonflys. So we had the insect connection going right away… and the conversation progressed to this interest he had in what is called “thin spaces”. It is just what you described … the time between things … when the metamorphosis is happening. That unseen place. I took notes and tried to find more information, but it is elusive. Just like that space. Your writing reminded me.

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