Bits and Pieces

These last two weeks I have been on a cruise with my family. Nearly everyday we stopped at a different port venturing into the landscape of amazing countries–places called Pompeii, Cairo, Cyprus, Rhodes, Tripoli and Rome…

The stunning beauty of art and history, faces, culture, music, the taste of exotic foods, the roaring sea, the wind, rain and sun, like bits of mosaic tiles put together forming a tangible glimpse of the world’s heart. The varied elements of our journey gave ideas that beat richly and deeply within me. I am swirling in my memories; the textured colors that certainly will shape the design of my soul!

Each color in the mosaic is worthy, each shape needed to form the larger picture, nothing is without a purpose. I am called to remember that life is made up of many pieces…

I stand in awe of it!

*Roman Mosic (from Kos) inside the Palace of the Grandmaster, Rhodes


7 responses to “Bits and Pieces”

  1. Welcome back Corey! The cruise sounds wonderful. I love the way travel changes our outlook on life.

  2. now tell me – which ship did you sail on? and did you get sea-sick? as you know I only recently went on a cruise and would love to exchange experiences.
    Corey – you always inspire me with your words – if only I could remember that nothing is without purpose. that is something I need to whisper to my soul each and every day – hugs to you for being YOU xoxo

  3. I can’t wait to hear the stories of your findings:) welcome back!!!

  4. You’re such a good writer. I can’t wait to read more about your trip 🙂

  5. Brother Mathew

    Thanks for taking us places with you Corey.

  6. oh wow! your thoughts are truly delicious. your little cruise sounds just wonderful. one day…

  7. This is my favorite entry so far. While there have been other photos and objects that I have loved more. This entry in it’s entirety stands out for me. “each shape needed to form the larger picture”– inspired writing!
    love it and you girlie!

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