French Husband and American Wife

Frenchhusbandamericanwife_1 A blessed thing it is

for any man or woman to have a friend,

one human soul whom we can trust utterly,

who knows the best and worst of us,

and who loves us in spite of all our faults.

Charles Kingsley

Last summer while standing on my favorite place on earth.

In the arms of the one I love.

Deeply happy.

Westport Northern California.

Photo taken by our daughter Chelsea.


26 responses to “French Husband and American Wife”

  1. The picture says it all. You look blissfully happy. =o)

  2. What a wonderful photo and I have to comment on the beautiful hair you both have.

  3. What a lovely photo, You belong together!

  4. Sweet photo…

  5. Beautiful photo Corey….

  6. What a lovely photo! And that’s what your daughter felt and saw in her parents when she took that portrait. Beautiful.

  7. Aww you two are so lucky to have found eachother!
    So California is still your favorite place on earth? I thought it’s the beautiful Provence! Well I’ve never been to California so far, looks like I missed out on something very good.

  8. corey,,your photo of you and yann warms my heart..real love….

  9. Corey – what can I say about that photo? It brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes – I know exactly how much you love your husband – I love mine just as much – you and I are so lucky to have men who are our rocks – for us to lean on in our ‘bad times’ – big hugs to you my friend xoxo been missing you

  10. Dear Corey ~ this picture and words accompanying it brought tears to my eyes.

  11. A very lovely picture. That picture could be on the cover of a book!

  12. gorgeous. more so than the antiques, though they are lovely too.
    and he looks so…so…French!

  13. “A picture paints a thousand words” And such beautiful words they are !!

  14. jeeeezzzzzzzz…….your blog is just SO beautiful. It is a work of art….
    and you and your hubby….what a photo, such love! such bliss.

  15. so sweet! how did you meet your french honey?

  16. Yann
    Get a hair cut!

  17. Wonderful picture. You can see the love between the two of you, and can tell that the photographer was seeing through the lens of love, too.

  18. i have to add to the gallery here…but it’s true, there is such love in this picture. It touches me deeply. I wonder what a life is like when there is a love like this? Beautiful.

  19. Lovely photo, and lovely quote.

  20. My sister also married a French man and lives in Paris and Provence.
    Here is her blog:
    I love your beautiful site. Like my sister, you are a talented photographer.
    I invite you to my blog or should I say, my bird’s blog!

  21. Thank you for sharing so much with us. You are a very special person and you and your husband are certainly a beautiful couple…

  22. Endearing.

  23. beautiful, thank you for sharing – and Yann DO NOT get a haircut!

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