Raining Cats and Dogs

Raining_cats_and_dogs Rain and Snow do not happen often in the South of France, but when it does, it does so with vengeance, like a mad dog after a sneaky cat. Since yesterday morning it has continuously done one or the other; Rained cats and dogs.

"Yann, what can I write about today?" He is curled up with his laptop by the fire, slowly he stretches scratches his head. He looks up at the skylight blinks his eyes; "You can write about the rain."

Like a starving dog being thrown a bone, I jump at it, yes! "Yes! That is perfect!" Yann looks at me doubtfully, wondering if I am about to scratch his eyes out, or if I am about to lick his face like a puppy-dog! I dart over to the cast iron, cat and dog I bought years ago at a small flea market in Nice.

Yann shakes his head, "Only you could connect something that fast!" Well they do fit right into the scheme! A cat and dog from Nice watching the rainy day pass by…


7 responses to “Raining Cats and Dogs”

  1. I’ve just begun to dive into your blog…I’m speechless. You are amazing and I know meeting you was no accident! You are a gift , wrapped up for me with a big ribbon tied in a bow.
    I’ve got to get back to your blog…

  2. Very clever! Women can’t help that they are inspired so easily. It is in our soul.
    Take care. Connie

  3. Yann is right.

  4. Man, I’d hate to get hit in the head by one of those raindrops! Yeow! 🙂
    The etching of the fur on these animals is quite lovely.
    Tongue in Cheek responds:
    Yeah they would hurt, they are heavy! Two hands to lift one. (Of course I have over-cooked noodles for arms.
    The dog and cat are part of a 19th century fire fender, or some say Firedogs, or chinets or Andirons. I just call them: Rainy day cat and dog- who aren’t by the fire and are used as book ends instead! The poor cat doesn’t stand a chance to be reconize with all the descriptive words focusing on its partner!

  5. I love wandering through your house!

  6. send some of that rain my way!

  7. Amy Reverdy

    Corey, I found your blog by typing in “puces” on blogspot. I moved to France from San Francisco with my French husband 2 months ago. I went to Les Puces des Paris for the first time yesterday. Reading your bio, I realized that you’re friends with Kristin from French-Word-a-Day. I don’t know her, but I have been receiving her word-a-day emails for the past year. I enjoyed reading your blog and, yes, it’s nice to know others are out there! Best wishes, Amy Reverdy

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