French Rooster

An American Rooster sets up in France and starts cock-A-doodling in French!

Img_2656 When my Mother was 13, she made this little yellow pot-holder rooster. The delicate black stitches have remained straight and even. The button eye has kept its twinkle; only the red felt top is slightly weathered. When I left home 30 years ago, I took the pot holder out of my Mother’s kitchen drawer, where she kept her well-pressed tea towels, pot holders, and chocolate chips (she thought we would never find them there when we were kids.)

In France, the little yellow rooster is my mascot. It has seen five homes, and I can tell it likes this one the best!

1992—  Chelsea came home from school, giggling, “Mommy, do you know what the rooster says in English?”

“Yes? Cock a doodle do!”

“Do you know how it goes in French?”

“You got me there. I never thought of that! You mean it goes differently than cock a doodle do?”

She bobbed her head, yes, bursting to tell me, “The rooster goes, CO CO RICO !!”


13 responses to “French Rooster”

  1. This rooster that your mum made looks lovely and I like your little story. Yeah even roosters can speak different languages lol the German roosters are going:

  2. what a sweet pot holder and such warm memories.

  3. Tell me what does the rooster say in your neck of the woods?
    Now Miss Orama! Be nice! Say something Divine if anything!

  4. What a sweet momento! It nice to have something to hold in your hand that was special to that person.
    Love it!

  5. In Germany, he says, “Kikkel dee kee!”

  6. what a wonderful story…and what a well traveled potholder.

  7. Just like the french cows… Does every living thing in France ooze such charm?
    It must be something in the water.

  8. Coucou ! C’est gentil d’être passée voir mon blog et de m’y avoir laissé un message ;o) ! Ainsi je connais le tien maintenant ! Au fait, puis-je te demander comment tu as trouvé le mien ?! Bonne soirée ! Sandrine (de liège en Belgique !!)

  9. Well, I couldn’t see the other entries/comments when I posted yesterday, but now I can see them and I’m intrigued where Monika does come from, that her German roosters talks so different to ours lol I have never ever heard a German rooster saying Kickel dee kee. Is that Kickeriki with an accent?

  10. Handmade things are extra-special!
    Co co rico!

  11. For those of you who have asked me; The French animal farm sounds like this:
    Animal-verb-sound example:
    Dog- Barks- BowWow
    Bumblebee- vrombit- bzzzz.
    Bird- pépie- cuicui.
    Cat- miaule- miaou.
    Chick- piaule- piou-piou.
    Cow- meugle- meuh.
    Blackbird- croasse- croacroa.
    Coucoubird- coucou
    Dog- aboie- ouah ouah
    Donkey- brait- hihan.
    Duck- cancan- coin coin.
    Frog- coasse- coa-coa.
    Goat- bêle- bêêê.
    Chicken- caquette- cotcotcodet.
    Horse- hennit- hiiiiii.
    Owl- hulule- hou-hou.
    Pig- grogne- groin groin.
    Rooster- chante- cocorico.
    Lamb- bêle- bêêê.
    Snake- siffle- sss.
    Turkey- glougloute-glouglou.

  12. Oh, I was so tempted to tell you what our roosters REALLY say, especially about your roosters. But you said to be nice.
    Though I do like your cock.

  13. Jack O’Fallon

    Just had somebody ask about French rooster noise on our site,, you should come over and join, there’s at least four French residents and one Canadian there.

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