Brocante in France

The best Brocante market, upper-scale flea market, is in a cow pasture. Those two words don’t seem to go together, but there they are brocante and cow pasture, side by side. Besides looking for antiques one has to be careful of the fresh cow pies. Rubber boots are a must, good eyes too!


Throughout the wee hours of the morning when the selection of the rare finds are at its best, you can hear comments that indicate the surprise of discovery; "Oh great!" Which often means that their foot has found the prize! In France, if you step in "it" with your left foot, it is consider lucky. Though certainly not lucky enough, that at a brocante market, where one hopes to be lucky, one would purposefully step in a cow pie!

This cow pasture-brocante market is twice a year. It is the best market I know, I have never left empty handed! It is the brocante market of ones dreams! And I am not going to tell you where it is! I will say this: If you are lucky enough to discover this market in France, wear rubber boots and I hope you step in the cow pies with your right foot!


6 responses to “Brocante in France”

  1. Argh! Corey, how can you be so mean? I would even step into the cowshit with both feet to find that brocante market, but only in wellies lol
    Tongue in Cheek responds:
    You make me laugh! Maybe I’ll have to tell you …You said the S word! Send me your snail mail address and I’ll send you the a little pie with the address inside! Oh!

  2. Did I really use the bad word? 😉 Oops sorry sometimes I just can’t behave *blushes* I’m going to e-mail you again lol

  3. Your market sounds like fun…but those cowplops…I can remember visiting my “country mouse” friend in the summer time – and while running across the pastures in our bare feet…this “city mouse” had the uncanny ability to “find” the lovely things! My “country mouse” friend would laugh uproariously!

  4. I will have to live vicariously through you so no need to wish that my right foot hits the cow pies.
    Love your picture of the cows.

  5. It simply can’t be true that even the COWs are more charming in France!!! Would you just look at those adorable things!
    That’s just sad! We yanks haven’t any charm over here at all do we?

  6. Charming photo that looks like it came from a children’s story… Your photo album LIFE OUTSIDE MY DOOR: stunning!!! The colors, the architecture, the richness that age has on these things: so… scrumptious!

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