Being Thankful



Most things take time.

Which is easily forgotten-

with cell phones, computers, internet, google, Amazon, transportation-

Life seems to be at our fingertips.

Whatever we want when we want it- click, snap, instant credit-

Such daily life routines, which used to be hours' worth of labor, are readily available without too much notice.

Time ticks on without us having to wind the clock-

Running water- cold, warm, or hot?

Need a light-

Warm home-

Gas station-

Dry hair-

Grocery store-

Buy some bananas, tea, and avocados in a place that doesn't produce such things-

or having strawberries, tomatoes, or zucchini out of season.

A friend said,

"How many hands did it take to bring me this?"

Has time lost meaning?

Are we numb to the reality of having it all when we want it and the lack of equality it brings to many in the world?






4 responses to “Being Thankful”

  1. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and helping us read the postcard. I did look up the a vendre, but the bottom I had no clue, thanks!
    I have always been fascinated with France, the beauty, the food and french culture in general. I always say it is because of my heritage which can be traced back to when a French man came to america in the 1700’s.
    I have enjoyed your blog and plan on returning.

  2. Thought provoking. Thanks.

  3. This is a very good post. I love that quote “How many hands did it take to bring me this?” It is necessary for us to stop and remember how blessed we are in life.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. This post really makes you stop and think about it all…very true!
    p.s. I hope you are having a lovely weekend Corey.

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