A Gift my Mother Gave

Img_2434 My Mother's Passion

My Mother and Aunt Marie used to go to the antique auctions when I was little.
After dinner dishes were done, she would race off with a smile, high hopes written all over her face.
A 1920s blue glass beaded evening bag-
An oak dresser with a swivel mirror for $35-
Grey freckled tinware-
And a trumpet was one of the won bids I can recall.
Especially the trumpet.
My Mother used it as our alarm clock…
"da da ta a ta dum da ta da da ta dum!" She would toot to wake up my four brothers and me. The sound was too raw for the morning light- sleep was out of the question.
It was not the blast of the trumpet that struck my heart because I loved to find old things. It was the joy I saw on my Mother's face when she came home late at night with her arms carrying her latest acquisition.
SUNDAY SCRIBBLINGS  earliest memory
photo: An 18th century engraving, that I bought in an antique shop, in Aix en Provence. Where does cupid point his arrow in your life?


15 responses to “A Gift my Mother Gave”

  1. Hello,
    I have similar memories of my parents running to auction and bringing home their wonderful treasures. In the early sixties, collecting “old stuff” was just not done. My parents loved antiques and took advantage of others’ cast-offs and furnished our home with them. I can remember one particular cupboard that they brought home and it was the talk of the small town we lived in….I can well imagine the locals having coffee the next morning – discussing that old cupboard the “preacher” bought for a quarter….”why……that ole thang was out in the BARN with a dead PIG in it and he STILL took it!” and the remark met with loud guffaws…
    The cupboard was a wonderful prim pie safe with the pierced tin doors and sides. Never mind the pig…when cleaned and finished…we loved it!
    I still love the “old stuff”.

  2. My father bought an antique brass ship’s bell and hung it near the kitchen. It was very ornate and LOUD. My mother would ring the bell to signal that dinner was ready.

  3. judypatooote

    I do love your childhood memories post….I just love old memories…that is what my blog is about…. some of my childhood, and some are new memories made….. thanks for sharing…..

  4. I see where you came by your own taste for antiques! Sounds like such fun.

  5. your Mom – what a hoot!

  6. Hehehe! Silly mommy. 😉

  7. Oh I love how you share a love for antiques with your mother! Nice memories to retain. Probably someday Chelsea will be writing about her memories of you getting up at the crack of dawn for brocantes and flea markets!

  8. Wow, I wish I had one of those when my kids were young. LOL Antiques must be in the genes 😉 Happy treasure hunting.

  9. Thank you for sharing this memory. I appreciated the fact that it wasn’t all about something that happened to you. It was more about your reaction to something that was happening in your mother’s life.

  10. Nice memory

  11. I love that you remember the joy of your mom feeding her soul!

  12. what a fun and warm memory. Thanks for sharing.

  13. This is a lovely little memoir, so full of enthusiasm and whimsy and happiness! I’m so glad you shared it! Thank you! xo

  14. Marie-Noëlle

    Now I know where your love for antiques comes from …
    Not only objects but objects seen through special eyes …
    Most of my favourite memories from my childhood are things seen through my mother’s eyes…

  15. Oh Corey, the story about Vava
    brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing grandmother we had.And the picture of the barn, it brought back such wonderful memories.

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