Sacha’s Santa

Christmas                                   Img_2250
In our village lives another Franco-American family. Their little boy Luca asked me with pleading eyes, "Corey, remember last year Santa came to your house to see me?" Barely, did the word yes come out of my mouth, when he was onto the next question, "How did he know, I mean, How did that happen? Who told him?" His huge lollipop eyes looking right through my heart…Gee this Christmas tall tale sometimes really gets me…not telling the truth, but saying the truth sounds like Mr. Grinch! Looking right at him I said, "I did! I am the one who called Santa!"
A year ago, almost to the day, Luca had started to cry, when we asked him what was wrong he said he had never seen Santa, and with bigger tears splashing on the floor he added, "And and and… he has never seen me!" Well, I had to change that devastating fact of his life! So I called Yann.
Luca stood still…in his eyes I could see hero written above my head. "Oooooooooh, Corey could you call him again? Tell him our chimney is too small, and Papa shuts the shutters at night, and he locks the door too. So um…um…do you know what to tell him? I mean how is he going to get in my house on Christmas night?"
Gee this Christmas tall tale is really putting me in a pickle! I remember once driving with my two little children in the back seat. Chelsea (who believed in Santa until she was ten (!!!) was saying how nice it was that the village was collecting gifts, for the children of Bosnia. Sacha who I honestly think never believed in Santa from the moment of his birth, looked at his sister doubtfully. Setting her up he said, "Chelsea, couldn’t Santa just fly over and drop his gifts out?" Falling right in the trapper’s trap she defended her man, "Oh Sacha, it is a war zone there, and Santa and his rein deers could be bombed!" I saw the smirk smile as Sacha delivered his one two punch to Chelsea’s belief system, "Chelsea if Santa can make those rein deers fly all over the world in one night I am sure he can fly into a war zone and fly out with a crack of his whip! You know he IS magical!"
Sacha, who is now 13, hugs Luca lovingly he whispers, "Luca Santa is magical! And he will come see you with his arms full of presents! You wait and see!"
May all your Christmas Dreams come true!


2 responses to “Sacha’s Santa”

  1. Sweet Sacha!
    It’s late Christmas night here in Australia and my little ‘believers’ are sleeping soundly. After all the fuss and excitement, this night normally has a somewhat hollow feeling to it for me but tonight I’m quietly elated. Christmas is my favourite time of year and is always wonderful but this Christmas has seemed a little more special. Not for its rowdy parties nor its showy presents … but for the sense of family and quiet celebration that I think is coming back into the season. At last! Maybe it’s just me and my own little world but I think love and caring and compassion is overtaking the commercialism that had for so long swallowed up the occasion.
    Loving your blog Corey ~ *joy to your world*.

  2. nooo he had to be the one originally with the crackers and cranberries

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